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Best AI Meeting Summary Tools 2024

Drowning in meetings? AI can throw you a lifeline. Discover how AI meeting summary tools can save you time, boost productivity, and even make meetings (dare we say) enjoyable!

Best AI Meeting Summary Tools 2024

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, managing meetings effectively can be a daunting task. However, with the advent of AI technology, organizations can now leverage AI meeting summary tools to streamline their meeting processes and enhance outcomes. These tools harness the power of artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and machine learning to automatically generate comprehensive meeting summaries, saving time and effort while ensuring accuracy.

How AI Meeting Summary Tools Work

AI meeting summary tools work by extracting key insights from spoken words during meetings. The software automatically transcribes the meeting, organizing and categorizing the information before sending it to participants and stakeholders. This eliminates the need for manual note-taking and reduces the mental load on attendees, allowing them to focus on the discussion at hand.

Exceptional AI meeting summary tools offer a range of features, including:

  1. Real-time transcription
  2. Automated note-taking
  3. Decision and action item tracking
  4. Searchable transcripts
  5. Speaker identification
  6. Integration with collaboration platforms

Fostering Collaboration with AI

AI meeting summary tools play a crucial role in promoting collaboration by streamlining access to information and simplifying communication. By providing real-time transcriptions, integrating with collaboration platforms, and offering search capabilities, these tools create a more inclusive and collaborative environment.

Before the advent of AI meeting assistants, participants had to share the responsibility of manually transcribing or summarizing meetings, which was time-consuming and resource-intensive. Now, AI-powered tools can instantly transcribe spoken words into text, ensuring that important details are captured accurately and efficiently.

Minimizing Human Error and Enhancing Productivity

Human error is inevitable when it comes to transcribing meetings. Distractions, lack of engagement, or simply missing key points can lead to inaccurate or incomplete meeting notes. AI meeting summary tools, on the other hand, are designed to recognize and extract key insights, decisions, and action items with a high level of accuracy, mitigating the risk of human error.

Moreover, by automating the note-taking process, AI tools free up participants' time, allowing them to focus on the meeting and engage more actively. This not only improves engagement but also leads to enhanced productivity. With organized and searchable information at their fingertips, teams can streamline their meetings and focus on high-value tasks, collaboration, and problem-solving.

Top AI Meeting Summary Tools of 2024

  1. is an AI meeting assistant solution that helps you get meeting summaries and notes right after your meeting ends. It is integrated with major meeting platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. =

You can also use it for in-person or offline meetings by recording your meeting inside It also allows users to upload past meeting audio/video files. It simplifies your work tremendously by providing summaries, key points, actionable, and the full transcript. Its AI model is fine-tuned for highly-accented English, such as Singaporean, Indian, Japanese, and Mandarin English. Key features include:

  • Meeting video playback
  • Automated meeting summaries and notes
  • High accuracy in accented English and 30+ languages

Pricing: offers a free 30 minutes coupon for first-time users, with paid plans starting at $27 per user per month.

  1. Fellow

Fellow is a comprehensive meeting management solution that goes beyond automated meeting summaries. It offers collaborative, customizable meeting agendas to keep meetings organized and on track while also providing AI-generated meeting preparation, documentation, recaps, and follow-ups. Key features include:

  • Effortless meeting recordings
  • Simplified meeting summaries and key points
  • Captured and synced action items
  • Robust library of meeting agenda templates

Pricing: Fellow offers a free plan, with paid plans starting at $5 per user per month.

  1. is a popular AI meeting summary tool that eliminates the need for manual transcription. It leverages AI and language processing software to generate accurate transcriptions. Additional features include:

  • Speaker identification
  • Highlighting of key points
  • Voice command control
  • Collaboration and sharing
  • Integration with AI meeting assistants and productivity software
  • Search and keyword analysis

Pricing: offers a free plan, with paid plans ranging from $8.33 to $30 per user per month. Enterprise plans are available upon request.

  1. is an AI meeting assistant that produces automated meeting summaries and derives meeting insights to improve efficiency and outcomes. Key features include:

  • Action item detection
  • Searchable transcripts
  • Integration with meeting productivity software
  • Intelligent highlights and summaries
  • Speaker identification and timestamps

Pricing: offers a free plan, with paid plans ranging from $10 to $19 per user per month.

  1. Fathom

Fathom is a Zoom integration that records, highlights and transcribes key moments during meetings. It lets users focus on the conversation and fully engage without worrying about taking notes. Fathom records, transcribes, and highlights critical moments, ensuring that important aspects of the discussion are captured.

Pricing: Fathom is entirely free to use, with no hidden costs or usage limitations.

  1. Briefly

Briefly is an AI meeting summary and email follow-up tool that enables users to capture meeting notes, transcribe, and gather insights within their browser. It integrates seamlessly with Google Meet, making it easy to access transcripts and summaries after the meeting ends.

Pricing: Briefly offers a free plan, with paid plans available for additional features.

  1. MeetGeek

MeetGeek is a meeting productivity software that integrates with popular video conferencing tools like Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams. It automatically records, transcribes, and distributes meeting highlights to participants, eliminating the need for manual transcription.

Pricing: MeetGeek offers a free plan, with a pro plan available at $15 per user per month.

  1. Supernormal

Supernormal is an AI meeting assistant that transcribes meetings and provides comprehensive meeting notes. It integrates with Google Meet, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams and offers transcriptions in several languages. Users can invite the bot to specific meetings or set it to "always there" mode for automatic transcription.

Pricing: Supernormal offers a "free forever plan" and a pro plan at $49 per month.

  1. is a meeting productivity software that collects, tracks, and categorizes everything said in a meeting, converting the data into actionable information. It provides automated meeting summaries, note-taking, AI-powered action items, and searchable transcripts.

Pricing: offers a free plan to get started.

  1. Sembly

Sembly is an AI meeting assistant that automatically joins meetings, transcribes, and analyzes them. It integrates with calendar apps and meeting productivity software, making it easy to leverage AI technology in the workplace.

Pricing: Sembly offers a free beginner plan, with paid plans ranging from $10 to $20 per month.

The Future of AI in Meeting Management

As AI technologies continue to advance, we can expect a future where meetings become more streamlined, collaborative, and data-driven. AI will play a transformative role in meeting management, helping to boost efficiency, collaboration, and overall productivity.

By leveraging AI meeting summary tools and meeting productivity software like Fellow, organizations can revolutionize their meeting processes and enhance outcomes. These tools provide automated transcriptions, summaries, and action item tracking, allowing teams to focus on what matters most: meaningful discussions and collaborative problem-solving.

As we move forward, it's clear that AI will continue to shape the future of meeting management, ultimately improving the meeting landscape for the better. By embracing these technologies and integrating them into our workflows, we can unlock the full potential of our meetings and drive success in the digital age.

Maya Scolastica profile image Maya Scolastica